Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pretty day vs. Smart day

My mom, who has a great sense of humor and is humble in most things, will often call or start a text with "I'm having a pretty day," or  "I'm having a smart day." If she is having a "pretty day" the next few minutes will be filled with an often funny series of events from her day that were not particularly successful due to rushing or not thinking through the process...BUT, she still looked good, right? If it's a "smart day" then she feels like she's been fairly productive and will fill you in on the achievements of the day. Ideally, the goal is both. As a result, I almost always think of my days in this context.

Today I'm having a pretty day. Actually, I'm on day two of showering and putting on a clean set of pajamas so not even sure about the pretty part. (Hey, we're snowed in and I don't really have any place I need to be and they are warmer and more comfortable for hanging out.) The day has mostly been filled with silly things: I forgot to put coffee in the pot, so made a full pot of hot water, I ate spaghetti with marinara for lunch in my big fluffy WHITE robe that is now speckled in red sauce, I almost asphyxiated myself with bathroom cleaner fumes. OK, the last one was kind of a big deal. I thought I would kill two birds with one stone so sprayed the shower with cleaner and waited the 15 minutes then cleaned it while taking a shower. Those 15 minutes really produced some fumes. Yikes! It's not like I don't know, pretty day.

On smart days, I'm all over the daily chores, taking care of Kieran, and working on projects around the house to meet the deadlines we have set for ourselves. These are highly satisfying days and no matter what I look like that day my confidence level soars and that's beautiful.

Since this day appears to be set I'm thinking I should go pull out the "pretty" flannels, and hope to get my act together by tomorrow. Here's hoping you are having both a pretty and a smart day.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. I have had a smart day. Picked up bedroom, it had lots of laundry strewn all over. Hey, Phil was in Indy, so who cares! But he returns home tonight. So, picked up, changed bed, laundry washing, kitchen straightened and vacuumed, and paid (very smart) Casey to mop. Now I just have to finish the laundry and I guess fix dinner. He will be home sooner than I thought, so I may have to provide sustenance.
