Friday, March 8, 2013

Coffee...YES, PLEASE!

My dad sent a card in the mail with something about coffee on it and reminded me that I haven't blogged about it, and since I'm ridiculous in my quest for it, it seems it would be a good topic. I'm a coffee addict. That does not mean I'm a connoisseur, I can tell the difference between good or bad and that's it... not where it was grown, or how the beans were roasted, or whether a cat pooped it out...Kopi Luwak, seriously...look it up.  It just means I must start and sometimes end my days with a couple of cups, and if ever offered I won't turn it down. I believe coffee is the best gift God gave us after Jesus. My family is a close third, but I actually need the coffee to deal well with all blessings that follow Jesus.

I have always liked coffee but didn't have a real appreciation for it until we moved to WA state. Its a very temperate climate, never super cold never super hot, but coming from the south I could not get warm so started really indulging. That's when all the twitching started. Had to actually switch to hot water between coffees because I was not sleeping much. There are coffee shops on every corner in the NW, many major chains started there so it was so readily available. Anyway, I really started to appreciate a great cup of coffee during that time span, and when we moved back to the south I found it could be 100 degrees out and I still wanted it.

This addiction has led to the purchase of ridiculously priced coffee machines. My husband has a Keurig at work. I currently have a Nespresso machine that makes wicked good coffee drinks that rival any coffee shop, and I love it. Yet, when we walk in the door of our local shop they have already rung us up with our usual.  We ran in to one of the teenagers that works there at a different restaurant and we said hello. His friends asked if he knew us and he said, "Yes, two medium skinny vanilla lattes, decaf if it's dark out." Hmm... I'm thinking we should exchange names sometime.  I would hate to actually track how much we've spent on those drinks over the course of a month or so, Dave Ramsey would have a field day with us.

So if you ever need to get away or talk with someone, offer to take me to coffee and I'm your girl. I'm off for now. Guess where I'm going? Cheers!

Until next time,

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