Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Food vs. "Food"

Once upon a time, not that long ago, when you went to the grocery store, if you shopped the perimeter of the store (produce, meat, dairy, grains, etc) you were considered to be leading a healthy lifestyle as far as nutrition is concerned. Gradually over the years that is no longer the case.

A few weeks ago Monsanto, a biotech company, was in the news again. They are always fighting some lawsuit regarding their genetically modified seeds, etc.  I started writing about it and then deleted it because it sounded very soap box like and, quite frankly, I'm not that fanatical about it. It's not that I don't care I just tend to fall more in the middle on this issue. I listen to these lawsuits and the extremist both directions and appreciate the concerns on both sides. However, it seems to have come to a point that ALL food is no longer good for you...hmmm. This presents a problem as it is necessary for life.

Standing in my grocery store, every where I look, I can recall an article about why I shouldn't consume that product. With the middle aisles we have always been warned that processed food is not as good for you, contains preservatives and all kinds of unpronounceable things. I stand on the perimeter and know that the produce is genetically modified or sprayed with pesticides. The meat has all been injected with steroids that also then affects the dairy and eggs. (Not to mention all the whistle blower articles about the poor treatment of the animals.) Also, somewhere along the line carbs became evil. Great! If I can't shop the middle aisles or the perimeter there is nothing left. So what the hell are we supposed to eat?

Where do I fall on this? I shop both. I try to pick the lesser of the evils and based on my family's reactions to different foods either eliminate or continue to purchase things that maybe aren't on the "healthy to consume" list. I believe there are real food allergies and by all means avoid those foods but I am blessed that my family does not seem to have any of them. If you are all organic, no carb, no gluten, no sugar, hard core all the way kind of person and that works for your family...more power to you, you're awesome. If you have never looked at a label in your life and just buy whatever...that's great too. Whatever works for you and your family is OK with me, I'm certainly not judging. It just saddens me to feel that we, somewhere along the line, became the proverbial frog in the pot and now that it's boiling what do we do?

Curious to know where you fall on this?
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. I try to buy a mix of both. My kids will never be completely organic, nor do I want to be that Mom. But I do try to be aware of serving well balanced meals. As to all the scare tactics, I always look at the one blowing the whistle. Just want do they have to gain from screaming? Are they selling a product, book, life style? That's what makes me block their message.
