Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam. And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah and evah… So tweasuwe youw wove. ~ The Impressive Clergyman from The Princess Bride. (One of my favorite movies!)

OK, I'm over all the nostalgic posts where I seem to be missing my past and not living in the present. I have just been reflecting lately, because we will be celebrating our 23rd Anniversary on the 14th and I got caught up in the "where we have been" moment. What a journey! 

Weddings are funny things. We stand there and commit to things we have no real concept of, and won't until the years start ticking by and you realize several things. Forever is a really long time. Yay! Forever is a REALLY long time. For better means there are not enough hours in the day to be together...for worse means rolling over some mornings and thinking, "Nope, don't feel like doing that today." In sickness means sitting by a hospital bed for endless hours health is climbing trails in amazing places. Til death do you part...can't even go there. I can't imagine my life without this man. These things we say so eagerly on the day when we are so blissfully in the moment are real and fabulous and scary and hard and awesome and take real work. All totally worth it if you are both committed...REALLY committed to making it.

I'm racking my brain for ideas for our big day this year and coming up blank. Possibly because we did Hawaii last year and that's a pretty tough act to follow. It doesn't help that I spent the weekend with a couple we have known for 20 some years and his wife had his 67 Mustang overhauled for their 25th anniversary. He wrecked it when they were dating, and it sat on her family's property forever, where he would frequently visit and talk about getting it up and running again. He went to Afghanistan to work for several months so she decided that while he was away she would make that happen for him. How cool is that?! Now Brian is walking around the house reminding me of all the cars he's never owned that would be a great Anniversary gift. Dream on!

My gift is that he still loves me, I still love him, and we choose to be together everyday whether its a good one or bad one. I'm very much looking forward to what else this "mawwiage" will bring in the next 23 years and beyond.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I should get a white Cougar restored for Phil? Oh wait, the Cougar was MY car he traded off for a truck! LOL
