Monday, February 4, 2013


I didn't blog yesterday we had a busy day between little man not feeling well, church, and heading out for a Super Bowl Party. Besides, I probably won't write something everyday, my life is just not that fascinating.

This blogging thing has been fun for me. I pretty much sit here, write a few paragraphs, and send it out into the universe. I have been caught off guard a couple of times because someone will say something, in person, about what I've written and I have to sit there and process that for a minute, "Hmm, I don't remember talking to you about that." Duh! I guess I didn't really expect anyone to read it?! Also, having not researched this before starting (that's pretty much how I roll) I didn't realize they track so much information, not only how many people have read the blog, but daily stats, traffic sources, countries...and there are graphs and charts and WHAT??? Suddenly I feel all this pressure! This thing that is just supposed to be a fluid way for me to throw out opinions or ideas has been WAY over analyzed. Really! I don't need to know all of that. I'm not selling anything or advertising anything. Heck, I'm not even paying to use the service. I don't know anybody in Germany, why are they reading my nonsense? Yikes! Should I be more thoughtful in my blogs, but why? The whole point of it is I'm just an average mom and this is how we average people get through our days. So I'm choosing to not pay attention to any of that and carry on with the original plan. Deep breath...exhale.

Bis zum nachsten Mal (Until next time... in German...or something like that)

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