Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I don't know who reads this, even though I mentioned all the stats they send me in another blog, I don't see your names or any other info about you. I do know some really smart people, so thought I should talk a little about punctuation (and grammar too, for that matter) because, clearly, I abuse it. I'm sorry.

I love punctuation: semi-colons, colons, parenthesis, commas, periods, exclamation points. They are all so fun to sprinkle throughout my writing. I write how I talk, if I paused there I'm going to put some form of punctuation. If I have a thought in the middle of a sentence I might throw some brackets or parenthesis around it. I don't really remember the rules for all of these and, to be honest, I don't really feel like looking them up. I'm sure I have sentences that run on and on, and some that are missing key things like a subject or other very important part that make a sentence complete. I fall into the your, you're, to, too, affect, effect trap all the time. I generally try to catch it but if I don't, meh...

I'm sure this is making all of my smart friends very uncomfortable. I blame all this new fangled technology on my casual use of the English language/punctuation. I can type on my phone, my pad, or my computer. I can FB, or tweet, or text, and the shorter the better as long as I've made my point. Based on my kids texts, I'm thinking you should be happy that I use any punctuation at all, capitalize the beginning of my sentences, and put vowels in all my words. I'm brilliant comparatively.

I'm not proud of these errors, but I'm also not writing a speech for the president or a boss. I'm not filling out applications or writing essays to professors. I'm at home with my kids, cleaning my house...kinda, and trying to be a good wife. If I have five minutes to fill you in on something it's probably gonna be fast and dirty.

Until next time,

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