Monday, February 25, 2013

Does anyone watch movie award shows?

The Oscars were on last night, I think this is the Super Bowl of Hollywood award shows so we should be done for a while. I don't generally watch them. I am a girl so I do head over to the rag mags in the morning to see what everyone wore or didn't wear (yikes), but as for the shows themselves... that's a lot of ego in one building. I think every business has an end of the year reward banquet, but Hollywood takes it, as it does everything else, to a ridiculous extreme. It seems that there have been shows weekly to pat the same people on the back for the same movies. Shouldn't one award cover it? You win!  I know it's different academies or corporations that host each one, but clearly there were only so many movies to pull from. If the general consensus is that this person or this movie rocked this year, then there are only so many ways to celebrate that.

I would say the goal each season is to add yet another award show, and then for all the shows to try to outdo each other and the year before. The actors try to WOW us with red carpet costumes that either flatter or fail, and often test the laws of physics. The hosts have to push the envelope a little more, the jokes become raunchier or meaner, the behavior more ridiculous. It's pretty low class at what appears to be classy events based on the amount of money spent on the dresses, jewels, tuxes, hair, make up, etc. The networks are trying to avoid boring you and yet the antics carry the shows well past their already 3 hour time slots. Don't get me wrong, there are a few great moments that add up to a few great minutes in those 3+ hours. Inevitably, the following mornings are filled with complaining because, surprise, you can't make everyone happy.

I LOVE movies. I love to go sit and escape for a couple of hours. I love buttered popcorn and milk duds.  I love the visual and audio affects. I love the story lines, I love good actors. I am a huge supporter. I just don't care to see them all pat each other on the back. By all means, have the ceremonies, but don't feel like you need to televise the whole show. I don't make movies, all of the minute details that go into making them seamless are incredible, I just don't need to see who won Best Gaffer. I'm happy pretending that the stories magically appear on the big screen and completely whisk me away to another place. I know a good movie or actor when I see one, and honestly, don't we each have our own opinions about that? I don't need Hollywood to tell me.

If you are fan of these shows, watch on! I think I'm going to pass. I'll just catch a movie.
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Not a fan. I dislike the pat yourself on the back aspect of it. Now, when it's fan based, then maybe. But considering how the studios"pay" for the votes, no thanks. And then to listen to them bash certain areas of the populace, you know the ones, those who PAY to go to these movies. Forget it. I rarely even go to movies anymore. Nothing worth seeing.
