Thursday, February 28, 2013

Education is not my gift

There has been a big push lately towards homeschooling. I have huge respect for the parents that do this and know several. They post pictures of their kids sitting in academically decorated rooms doing their work. I am amazed! Seriously!

I will never be that mom. I learned early on that I don't have the discipline or disposition to do this. When my older boys were younger  it was all I could do to get homework assignments completed. There was generally a lot of whining, stalling, and googling and I'm not talking about them. I always felt like whatever grade they were in, so was I. As they got higher up in their education they passed me. In high school my oldest would often come down to ask me about a homework assignment, and I used to think it was so cute that he thought I was smart enough to answer a calculus,'re going to have to Google that, son.

The idea of coming up with a daily plan or routine sounds great, but I just can't put it into action. I now have my little man, who is 3, and next fall he will start pre-k somewhere outside of this house. I bought a big calendar and for a few days we tried to have more structured time... dates, days, weather, ABC's, 123's, but he wasn't interested so neither was I.  This is not to say that I don't do "educational" things with him. We color, paint, sing songs, play games. I quiz him on colors, make him count things, try to teach him his letters, read stories but  if he loses interest that's ok with me. I don't know where he stands educationally, I hope he's hanging in there. My other two are doing great so I'm just not that worried about it.

So what do I teach my boys? (How to cuss like a, see other post.) These are the things I'm working on:
For those of you that homeschool...You Rock!! As for me, I love teachers, my kids have had great ones and I will continue to support their employment. 
Until next time,

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