Saturday, February 16, 2013

Side effect of braces...losing weight!

About a week ago I started the brace face journey for the second time. I had braces as a teenager, but then got married, left home, and didn't wear my retainer ever again. As a result, when my wisdom teeth grew in they pushed my front teeth back into their previously crooked position. Not my brightest moment. So all that money my parents spent? I don't even want to think about it. I have a son in braces now and the idea of his letting his teeth go after 18 months of payments makes me nauseous. I'm hoping to have his retainer cemented to his teeth. Seriously!

After about a week of having hardware in my mouth I have made a couple of discoveries. One, I'm still not a fan of braces. I do have white braces this time so they are not as noticable as the bright silver ones of my youth. I will only have to wear them about 6 months vs. years, but they are still uncomfortable and make eating a challenge.

Two, I've lost a couple of pounds. I already new I would have to give up some of my favorite foods: hot tamales, popcorn, milk duds, corn chips...sigh. Ok, I know these aren't technically a big deal in the big scheme of things, but annoying just the same. What is the point of going to the movie theater now? However, just cutting those things will make a difference in how my pants fit.

In the last few days I've made a new discovery, I am now not of fan of eating at all. All my food choices are measured by how much time I will be in the bathroom cleaning my teeth after. As a result pretty much all snacking is out, totally not worth it. To be honest, meals are pretty sparse too. Basically, if I can't swallow it without chewing, I'm not interested. For those of us already self concious about our smile (hence the braces) the idea of having a bunch of food caught in your teeth is... Ew! I don't want to feel it and I certainly don't want anyone to see it. So what do I eat? Baby food, not really, but might as well. On the positive side, I'll be a cheap date, pancakes, oatmeal, pasta...usually the least expensive things on the menu. Yay for Brian!

I'm thinking now might be a good time to become a juicer.

Until next time,

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