Saturday, February 2, 2013

Weekends, UGH!

All posts will not be filled with humor, some of them will just be this one.

"What do you want to do?"
"I don't know, what do you want to do?"
"We could go to the store?"
"Do you need anything?"

I would love to say that I enjoy weekends, but I don't. I'm sure this is a foreign concept for many of you as you live for the weekends. I like routine. I like the hamster wheel. It's predictable. Weekends are too much unplanned time for me. I know... I know... I could make plans and sometimes do, but we play this game where none of us wants to plan the others weekend, it would be rude. So instead we have NO plan. There are a few things that happen consistently, I get to sleep in on Saturdays, hubby gets to sleep in on Sundays, and of course church on Sunday mornings. (Oh, and teen will have all his friends over here all weekend from the moment they pile off the bus on Friday. I do love those kids, though!)

I think, unfortunately, we get the work hard aspect of life, but are forgetting how to play. It is more complicated when the kids are so far apart in age. What can we do that both a 3 year old and 16 year old are going to find interesting or entertaining? (Being in a small town complicates it further.) Therein, lies the dilemma. So we spend time doing with one or the other or leaving them behind for "dates".

So where am I going with this? No seriously, I'm asking? Maybe for now this is just where we are in life, and don't get me is good. I'm just not a fan of weekends. Right now they are more work than week days. See...pathetic...sigh...


1 comment:

  1. Take up knitting and send the guys out to play golf. Works for me. Well, I send the guy and girl out to golf the other girl amuses herself. LOL! But then, I don't have a 3 year old.
