Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Raising children is like being pecked to death by a chicken

I had this sign in my house when I was going through my everything-in-the-kitchen-must-have-a-chicken-on-it phase. I bought it when my older two were little boys, because it so captured how I felt at that time. I took it down when they were old enough to understand what it implied. Low and behold we have another and it still applies. Don't get your undies in a knot! I love my boys. They are awesome, but there is always some truth to those quotes we post or they wouldn't be funny. While I'm writing this, a song from the Music Man is running through my head, "Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little, cheep, cheep, cheep, talk a lot, pick a little more," another chicken analogy. Does this not sound like little kids to you? Examples, not even personal ones because pretty sure we all have had these experiences:

"Mom, mom, mom, mommy, mom, MOM, MOMMY" I'm looking right at him.  ...peck, peck, peck...

Haven't said two words to you all day, and then the phone rings and they won't leave you alone the entire time you're on it. ...peck, peck, peck...

Fingers under the bathroom door while you're in it.  ...peck, peck, peck...

"Look at me. Look. WATCH! Look at me. Look what I can do" ...peck, peck, peck...

Tears around the house like a tornado, but when you need them to hurry so you can go somewhere s u d d e n l y  s h i f t  t o  s l o w  m o t i o n.   ...peck, peck, peck...

"I'm hungry, NOW!" "Get me some food!" "I'm starving!" As I'm rushing around making dinner, but as soon as I put the plate down he takes two bites and is done.   ...peck, peck, peck...

Sound affects all day long.  Every toy not only has it's own built in sounds but the boys added spits, beeps, roars, and crashes.  ...peck, peck, peck...

Ok, enough, I'm annoying myself, you get the idea. I really do love little kids and wouldn't trade mine for the world, there are just times or even moments in time where I just need a minute...just one minute that is quiet, so I can catch my breath and prepare for the next attack.

Then the teen comes home...we'll tackle that another day.

They sure are precious when their sleeping.

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